Tuesday, 30 October 2012

The Liebster Award

Dear Readers,

The lovely Devon from Devon Elizabeth tagged Jimbo and I for the 'Liebster Award.' So firstly, Thank you Devon! We are each going to answer the questions and give 11 facts about ourselves individually so you can hear both our opinions/facts and then tag some more people! 

The Liebster Award: A fun way for blogs with 200 or less followers to spread to word about other smaller blogs, helping them to gain more readers and followers. Upon receiving the award, post 11 random facts about yourself, and answer the 11 questions from the person who nominated you. Nominate up to 11 blogs of your choice (making sure to tell them that you nominated them!) and have them answer 11 questions of your own. You are not allowed to nominate the blog who nominated you.


11 Random Facts
1. I can whistle through my nose.
2. I can do the worm and I like to crack it out as a dance move when intoxicated.
3. I drink more tea than is healthy.
4. I live in an imaginary world in my head and when I return to reality it hits me like a train on a track
5. Sometimes I don't feel like I belong in this era. I'd be much more suited to the 1920s or the 1880s.
6. I like gore.
7. I like cats more than is sane.
8. Nothing angers me more than animal abuse.
9. I like M&Ms. In this order: Crispy, Peanut and then Chocolate. If you please.
10. I had a third nipple, it was removed.
11. I have no common sense.

Question Answers:
1.What personal achievement are you most proud of yourself for? 
I would have to say either getting into university or surviving my first 3 years of high school.
2.Where is the most enchanting place you have ever traveled to? 

I have two answers, everyone who knows me knows Paris is my favourite place on the planet, But I've never felt more serene than I did when I was relaxing on a sand dune in Cornwall, in the blazing sun.
3.How would you describe your attitude towards fashion trends? 

I follow them, but don't always get inolved with them personally.
4.Do you read much? If no, why not? If yes, what do you like to read most? 

Yes, I always, always have a book on the go. I read anything from fiction to classics to short stories. I'm a book nerd.
5.How do your lifetime goals now differ from when you were younger? 

When I was younger I was an avid horse rider. I used to enter competitions and it was my goal to become a jokey. Now, as a rule, I disagree with the horse races as a sport based on how the race horses are treated. Oh and I'm not sure what I want to 'be' when I 'grow up.'
6.Who, or what, has had the most significant effect on your life so far?

Probably either my Mum or Jimbo (co writer and boyfriend!) as they both helped me through tough times and I wouldn't be as independant as I am now without them.
7.What is your favourite thing to do when you have some free time? 

Blog, read blogs or read books. I also enjoy cheesy american tv series (I'm looking at you Pretty Little Liars, The Walking Dead and The Vampire Diaries!)
8.Are you confident, or do you tend to hide behind others? 

There was a time when I would have chosen the latter, but I'm definitely coming out of my shell. I wouldn't say 'confident' yet, though.
9.What item of make-up is absolutely essential to your daily routine? 

Lipbalm! I constantly have lipbalm on, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
10.Is there any event or occasion coming up that you cannot wait for? 

This coming Thursday I'm seeing my family and I can't wait.
11.Is there anything in the near future that you are absolutely dreading? 

I'm having my tonsils out in December, really close to Christmas. Its bitter sweet because I desperately need them out, but its still a scary operation!


11 Random Facts

1. I study Physics with Astrophysics at the University of Kent
2. I am on the Kent Ultimate Frisbee team
3. I seem to like video games way too much…
4. I don’t like spending money, but when I do it’s usually way over what I planned to spend…damn River Island…
5. I do a lot of Origami…especially when I’m supposed to be listening to something in class
6. I have an unhealthy obsession with pirates…and stars…and bread.
7. I too like cats way too much…so much so I actually really like to be scratched behind the ear…
8. How I would love some sort of Mustang in the future, be in a 1969 model or a new Shelby, I want one.
9. I ask “Why?” way too much for a Physicist…
10. I try to imagine myself and Jamie Oliver when I’m in the kitchen…
11. People with absolutely no common sense really get on my nerves…Ironically

Question Answers:

1. What personal achievement are you most proud of yourself for?
I’m not really sure, not a huge achiever to be honest. I more like to live in the moment and not set too many goals. I’m proud of getting into Kent, joining the Frisbee Team and stuff like that.
2. Where is the most enchanting place you have ever travelled to?
Probably anywhere I went skiing…at sunset. 
3. How would you describe your attitude towards fashion trends?
I try to stay away from anything too mainstream, try to have my own style of “pirate” but modern day…weird I know.
4. Do you read much? If no, why not? If yes, what do you like to read most?
I used to read most nights, but I’ve been lazy since Uni or too tired/drunk. Currently reading A Song of Ice and Fire and enjoying the series a lot.
5. How do your lifetime goals now differ from when you were younger?
I don’t really know what my lifetime goals were when I was younger. Getting into University was one goal but as I said earlier I’m more of a “now” person…
6. Who, or what, has had the most significant effect on your life so far?
My friends and girlfriend. Without them I doubt I’d be the person I am today, probably be overweight and sat at home never going out.
7. What is your favourite thing to do when you have some free time?
Depends on the mood really. I sometimes just want to play video games on my own, sometimes with friends, but with Frisbee now in my life I do like a good chuck about or going to training.
8. Are you confident, or do you tend to hide behind others?
Before University I was very shy, hid behind my close friends and found it hard to make new ones. But since I’ve started at Kent I feel slightly more confident and outgoing.
9. What item of make-up is absolutely essential to your daily routine?
I’m going to say hair straighteners as make-up doesn’t totally apply to me…
10. Is there any event or occasion coming up that you cannot wait for?
Christmas. Proper food and being home for a month with mates, what could be better? Before that though I do have a laid back Frisbee tournament where we dress up (hopefully as pirates) and play.
11. Is there anything in the near future that you are absolutely dreading?
Any sort of major work or exam. “Why’d you go to Uni then Jimbo?!” Good question…

Our Questions For Our Nominees:
1. Who or what encouraged you to start a blog?
2. What are your ambitions for the future?
3. What three words would you use to describe yourself?
4. Recommend me a book, film, song or tv series you are loving at the moment!
5. Whats one item currently on your wishlist?
6. What is one quality you wish you had?
7. What is the last thing you think about before you sleep?
8. What is the first thing you think about when you wake up?
9. Favourite treat?
10. What picks you up when you feel down?
11. Did you enjoy these questions?

We Nominate:

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